Working Together to Improve Norfolk's Wildlife
Post-code: NR25 6PJ
What3Words: difficult.icon.livid
OS Map Reference: TG 136 406
Directions: The site is off Allotment Lane, west of the minor road (Sheringham Road) that runs south from the A148 towards the village of West Beckham
Parking: There is very limited parking by the Old Allotments; if possible, please come on foot
Dogs: Dogs on leads are welcome from September 1st - March 31st; please keep to the paths.
No dogs are permitted during the bird breeding season, April 1st - August 31st.
Accessibility: The site is accessed via a pedestrian gate. The mown paths are fairly level.
The site is being restored to wildflower meadow, boundary hedges are being gapped up and native trees are being planted. Felbeck Trust is in touch with the RSPB, which has assessed the site as suitable for its “Operation Turtle Dove” project – intended to reverse the decline of Turtle Dove, currently vulnerable to global extinction, and a drinking pond has been created to meet the requirements of these scarce birds.

Habitat Management
Felbeck Trust has been managing the habitat at West Beckham Old Allotments since 2019.
What have we achieved?
Improved boundary hedges, through a combination of laying and gapping-up – providing shelter and nesting sites for farmland birds
Installation of vehicle & pedestrian gates at the site’s entrance
Begun creation of areas of wildflower meadows using existing seed-bank, green haying and seeds, and introducing an appropriate mowing regime
Creation and maintenance of permissive paths, providing access whilst protecting habitat
Planting areas of woodland with native species to diversify the habitat
In collaboration with NNDC we have planted a thousand native trees and shrubs on this site
Installation of rustic seating
Construction of a bird feeding station
Encouraging areas of tussock grass to provide small mammal habitat
Excavation of a large pond, by hand, and two small drinking pools to attract wildlife and meet the needs of Turtle Dove
Creation of a butterfly bank
Preparation of a bird-feeding area for supplementary feeding and a platform for winter feeding of finches and doves
What are our future plans?
Continue to scythe/mow and rake the meadow areas to enhance the conditions for wild flowers to flourish
Additional gapping up and hedge laying to create wide and tall hedges to help to attract Turtle Doves
Continue using green haying or seeds/plugs as appropriate to supplement the existing seed bank
Erect relevant interpretive signage, subject to funding and any approvals
Install an additional bird feeding station
Erect a viewing screen, subject to funding and approvals
Erect and maintain bird-boxes and bat-boxes if appropriate