Two-pronged Attack at Brinton
On Friday December 2nd, various bands of volunteers descended on Brinton Nine Holes for an afternoon work party.

The first group – comprised of Felbeck Trust volunteers and several members of the Friends of Brinton – set about replacing the rotting gate post at the entrance. The two teams meshed well together, and the job was soon done.

Meanwhile, three youngsters from Gresham’s school, along with their support teacher, undertook some Hazel coppicing under the tutelage of two Felbeck Trust volunteers. They made short work of cutting the stems back to the base and covering the stools with brash (the leftover small branches, twigs and clippings) to protect them from peckish deer. The thickest stems were chopped and stacked up to create log piles which will provide a home for invertebrates and fungi.
We all rounded off the afternoon with a shared coffee/hot chocolate break and a slice of chocolate cake.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the work party. We look forward to many more such collaborations.
Val Stubbs, 2nd Dec 2022