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Bioblitz Preparation Work Party

10 people turned up at West Beckham Old Allotments on what looked like being a wet Friday morning – but we were lucky: as the morning progressed, the sun came out and we shed garments at a rate of knots. The purpose of the work party was to prepare the site for the Bioblitz taking place the next day, Saturday July 31st.

So, access paths were scythed and cleared and the entrance to the site cut back to allow for more parking. In addition, a new, wiggly path (a path of graceful curves, a path of calm abiding) was cut through the grasslands, linking the central path with the path on the eastern side of the site. Finally, the gazebo was erected in the centre of the allotments, ready for species recording and for – almost more important – refreshments. As usual, many thanks to all who came and worked so hard.


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