RSPB Operation Turtle Dove Rep Pays a Visit to West Beckham Old Allotments
On May 14th, three trustees - Trevor, John and Val - met the RSPB’s local Operation Turtle Dove regional officer, Sarah, at West Beckham Old Allotments. She was very impressed with the work the Trust has completed since her last visit in September – the pond, tree planting, hedge thickening, and arable weed patches. She was encouraging about the long-term prospects for attracting Turtle Doves. She has set up a trail cam to monitor activity at our supplementary feeding site. John will be checking this regularly to see what comes to feed. Fingers crossed for a sighting of Turtle Dove!

Looking forward, Sarah is keen to publicise our work via RSPB social media. She is also enthusiastic about joining us at WBOA for a bio-blitz event in the summer - details to be announced. She will be revisiting us in the autumn to catch up on Operation Turtle Dove.