Working Out

Lee, lying down on the job - again!
Today's work party focussed on two areas: one team added a second bench to the new volunteers rest area in Spurrell's Wood as well as planting new hedging to help screen the wood (and the composting toilet) from the sheep field to the west; and the second team worked at the east end of the northern part of Spurrell's Wood, first of all clearing some pallets and other rubbish and then unearthing the old barbed wire boundary fence and re-erecting it with sturdy stakes. This fence now runs from the big oak tree next to the ditch
running east-west, on the northern boundary of the wood, to Gur Beck. Our privacy fence of chestnut palings will, in all likelihood, be placed adjacent to the boundary fence.
A great deal of work was done and only one member of the team fell in the beck (Peter M!). Others seemed to enjoy his misfortune.