A Blazing BioBlitz at West Beckham Old Allotments
About 30 people attended our annual BioBlitz – this year held at West Beckham Old Allotments, on a blazing hot day. Lasting 24 hours, from 4.00pm on Friday and including a bat walk, moth trapping, pond dipping, as well as general species surveying, we racked up quite a few species – several recorded for the first time at the site. A full report of the event will appear in a future edition of the Felbeck Trust newsletter, but a few 'headlines' include: 500 moths recorded of 85 species (thanks to Jane & Jake for the near-sleepless night!), 40 birds – highlights included an early morning Hobby – and six species of dragonfly/damselfly.

Emperor Dragonfly – ovipositing at WBOA. A recent colonist since the pond was hand-dug during lock-down. One of six species recorded during the 24-hour BioBlitz

Friday evening activities included a bat walk and moth trapping – photo taken at 10.00pm

Now a regular sight at WBOA – a Red Kite fly-by entertained our visitors

You're never too old for a spot of pond-dipping!
The transformation of this site in just a few years is truly amazing and the increase in biodiversity something of which we can all be justifiably proud – and cherish into the future.
Trevor Williams
June 25th 2023