Tidying the Allotment meant a lot
The WBOA BioBlitz takes place on Saturday June 24th (with evening events from 21.00 on the 23rd), so the focus of this work party was preparing the allotments for the full-day BioBlitz. To that end, thirteen of us turned up at WBOA on a beautiful, very hot morning, many of us wearing sun hats, long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, while hardier, more ‘weathered’ volunteers bared legs and arms.
Peter R had mown the south side of the allotments the previous week and the hay had dried beautifully, so raking and removing it was an easy job, compared to other occasions when wet grass proved heavy to move or the wind created difficult conditions for the tarpaulins.

That done, the team was divided up with Trevor and Peter F erecting the beautiful, new WBOA interpretation board, then moving on to further refinements to the bird screen; Carol and Susan tidied around the pond to very good effect, clearing vegetation from its edges, to ensure better views from the screen; a team of four (Tracey, Bev, Peter M and Wayne) were on docking duty – cutting back docks before they seed and removing the clippings to the bonfire; Barbara did a great job clearing nettles and grass from the perimeter of the seating area, next to the shed; Brian and Sean assiduously scythed paths and banks; and Coralie did brilliant work clearing ivy from around the side gate entrance and cutting back the banks in the lane, to allow for extra parking next Saturday.

Breaks were more frequent than usual, given the hot weather, but, despite that, we got a great deal done and all that remains now is for us to do further tidying the afternoon of the 23rd. A quick pint at The Wheatsheaf for three of us, after the work party, is perhaps a habit that could be developed.
Peter Maingay
June 15th 2023