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West Beckham Old Allotments Haymaking and BBQ

Thursday September 2nd saw 16 volunteers turning up at WBOA first thing in the morning (well, 9.00!) to tackle scything, raking and clearing the whole site. The previous two days, Peter Rushmer had kindly brought his tractor to the site and mowed a large area, leaving the hay in neat lines for us to rake up.

But he had left a significant area to be hand-scythed – a deliberate policy. The weather was perfect – no sun and a light breeze – so everybody worked really hard and, by 15.00, had cleared the whole site, with increasing piles of hay gracing the boundaries of the Old Allotments.

Meanwhile, John Rea, with help from Vision, was preparing the BBQ, so that, at 13.00, we all took a break and enjoyed both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food and a little drink of various kinds. John, always keen to provide a little light entertainment, contrived to set fire to one of our work benches, in use as a base for one of the BBQs, but in a very controlled manner so that the conflagration was easily put out. Such skill.

Many thanks to all for all the hard work and good conversation. And to everybody who bought and/or brought food and drink. A day to remember.


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